Sunday, February 24, 2008

Transparent Knowledge screen for humans who want to know

After years and decades of evoultion, some humans finally are showing signs that they want to learn more about the world around them. This particular gadget is a Digital Looking Glass.

Digital Looking Glass
A concept gadget, it is currently being tested on a wide variety of humans by our monkey scientists.

This mobile device can be stuffed in your pocket (assuming you have a large pocket of course) or placed between the pages of a (paper) book. (Why anyone would want to carry around a paper book is another matter. See eBooks and their readers).

Don't expect this to be in the market now, but rest assured that humans who are willing to evolve shall be given honorary monkey status.

Until this is available to humans around the world, expect more and more people to get lost in familiar cities and miss appointments and basically just lose their way and not ask any monkey for directions. (Read more about this in the book "Why humans don't ask for directions and monkeys are geniuses")

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